Want to know an amazing cosmic joke?

I’ve been devoted to Tantra and spiritual awakening for almost two decades.

I made personal and professional sacrifices in the deep pursuit of truth.

After all those years of dedication, hard-work and effort?

I think I know even less now than when I started.

It is one, big, delightful mystery to me.

(Hahahahahaaa!! ;))

But for what I lost in certainty, I gained in unspeakable beauty instead.

And that’s what spiritual awakening is to me.

Trading in comfortable certainties for the vast wild beauty of something so much greater than who I thought I was.

I get nervous talking about spirituality….

It’s waaaaayyy more vulnerable for me than sexuality!

People easily think you’re crazy when you talk about enlightenment.

But, wow.

It’s made such a huge difference in my life, that I wanted to share more of what I’ve experienced with you.

It may scare me: but life is short.

Let’s talk about what really matters together.

And that’s why I made this video all about The Path of Enlightenment through Tantra.

Check it out below.
(Image thanks to the extremely talented Gillian Keller)

I’d love to know in the comments section below: what is enlightenment to you? What has spirituality meant to your life?

With Infinite Love,

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